Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Dole's Priorities in Right Place

Introduce legislation calling for $6.5 million for dredging vital waterway

Thanks be to good old Senator Dole. In this day and age of childhood poverty, decreasing education funding, death in Iraq due to improperly outfitted soldiers, and an economy on the downturn, Elizabeth Dole has her mind and her money on the right track. Helping out coastal businesses.

Now, I am not saying that these coastal businesses don't need help, they do. Dredging the inlet will surely provide some increase in traffic, or ease of traffic, and surely this will help business. But, just maybe there is another way.

Elizabeth Dole's strategy is this. Give
tax cuts to the rich,to the wealthiest 1.6% of Americans, thereby gutting the income of the United States of America. Then, because there is no money, cut veterans funding, education funding, health care programs, Medicare, Medicaid, firehouses, and the Army Corps of Engineers. Then, cry and whine when the cuts actually effect your home state, which might hurt your chances at reelection.

Maybe the Federal Government wouldn't have to give out paltry loans to the Army Corps of Engineers, to airports and to firehouses if we funded them in the first place. Maybe we could fund them if we quit giving tax cuts to the rich that drive our economy into the toilet. Maybe in four more years Elizabeth Dole will be watching from the sidelines while we find a better way to run this country.

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