Thursday, November 09, 2006

John Gibson pushes "Dems are Content With Losing"

I hope that no one here in North Carolina will forget that it was 2008's Katherine Harris, our own Elizabeth Dole, that said Democrats were content with losing. Now that the election is over, what can we expect from Republicans? More of the same. Faux news has taken to pushing this immoral, hate-filled, talking point.

So are the Dems content with losing?
When I press Democrat callers on my radio show on that point, very often the response I get is: "Well, we can't win anyway."
And that, my friends, is what I think the real Democrat attitude is. We can't win anyway, so let's get out.
The ensuing mess will be unfortunate, but it will be the Republicans' fault.
Like I said, Liddy Dole was right. They are content with losing.
That's My Word.
Watch John Gibson weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on "The Big Story" and send your comments to:

Let John Gibson hear your words and here is the contact information for WGHP and FOX50. Tell them that you will ask all your Democratic family and friends to tune out for Pro Football, House, American Idol, and any other show on Fox. There will be no bipartisanship in this new congress, don't fool yourself.

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