Friday, April 22, 2005

Oh the Lies Won't Stop!

Senator, Senator, Senator. You have moved beyond disinformation straight into lies and deceit. In a recent press release, you stated that It is a fact that today—for the first time in our nation’s history—a President’s nominees to the federal bench are being required to receive a 60-vote supermajority, rather than the traditional majority vote that has been the standard for 220 years.

Have you forgotten the 1968 Republican filibuster?

Have you forgotten those 60 Clinton-era nominees that were bottled up in committee by Republicans, so that they never even received their Constitutional right to a vote?

Have you forgotten about the blue-slip rules that you used to block Clinton-era appointees, then changed the rules so it would not apply under Bush?

Our elected officials should not lie Senator Dole, and that is what you have resorted to in this and other cases.

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